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Providing Quality & Trusted Diaganostics Center Since 1992

About Vaishnavi Clinical Laboratory

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Our Laboratory established in 1992 at Kumabakonam started to providing services as a modest clinical laboratory in the same year. We have adopted very old method in laboratory technology in the beginning. In a short period we introduced auto analyzers, Eliza technique and with the same we improved with sophisticated instrument in the same.

Recently few years back we migrated to Dry chemistry technology from wet chemistry technology first time in the delta region. We introduced Clinical VITROS®350 chemistry analyzer made by John Johnson & Johnson USA which will work 350 test / hr for flexible and customized positioning and we also introduced computerized radio technology with Kotak classic a higher end in X-ray.

In this year we are happy to introduce VIDAS from Biomerieux France for hormone investigation like typhoid, fertility etc.. first time in Kumbakonam. This unique instrument designed to provide the most accurate laboratory results.

In Haematology , we introduced two years back SYSMEX – 800 haematology analyzer for high quality analysis which is an higher end instrument in its nature of brand. These types of analyzers helps to perform complete blood counts , ESRs , etc..

Recoganition Vaishnavi Clinical Laboratory

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Honored VAISHNAVI Clinical laboratory by BSI INDIA for sustaining Quality Management System standards